Vehicle headlight flashing

LOL never seen that before nice video XD
but i think its because there are 2 ways of scripting these vehicle headlightsflashing

1 = using GetVehicleDamageStatus and UpdateVehicleDamageStatus. In this case the lights
are not set off but actually broken and repaired again. (this might be causing the problem but i could be wrong)

2 = a much better way using
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,d oors,bonnet,boot,objective);
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,toggle,lights,alarm,d oors,bonnet,boot,objective);

this way the lights are realy on and this case when a front light wont go on again if you flash your lights...with example 1 it repairs itselfs wich its obviously shouldnt...
anyway... i cant say if thats the problem but it might give you something to think about..try to use both ways and see if the problem is still there.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle headlight flashing - by sim_sima - 07.01.2014, 18:39
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by AIped - 07.01.2014, 19:19
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by sim_sima - 08.01.2014, 13:43
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by AIped - 08.01.2014, 15:28
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by sim_sima - 08.01.2014, 17:47
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by Steven82 - 08.01.2014, 19:26
Re: Vehicle headlight flashing - by sim_sima - 08.01.2014, 19:35

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