The Best Game Engine [Esenthel Engine]

This Is New Gen Game Engine [Complete] And Free For Non Commrical Use!!!!!
Time To Use It


Game Engine

  * Streaming of "Unlimited" Sized Worlds
  * Automatic loading, unloading, updating and rendering of Terrain and Objects
  * Loading data in the background thread
  * Objects with custom class and set of parameters
  * References between objects
  * Instant Pathfinding even between distant areas
  * Waypoints with custom looping modes (Single, Loop, Ping-Pong)
  * Built in classes for objects:
     o Static
     o Doors
     o Items
     o Characters
     o Lights

Animation System

  * Skeletal
  * Keyframed (Target Orientation, Relative Rotation, Position Offset)
  * Multiple Animation Blending
  * Facial Animation
  * Inverse Kinematics
  * Skeleton Animation Level of Details (lod)
  * Events
  * Item Slots
  * Highly compatible (one Animation Works on All Meshes with similar skeletons)
  * Creating Animations in Mesh Editor tool
  * Importing Animations from external formats (BlitzMax b3d, Collada dae, DirectX x, OgreXml)


  * Custom Cameras (including Fpp, Tpp, Isometric, Static)
  * Camera Quake Effects
  * Automatic Frustum Culling
  * Projecting 3D shapes to on screen 2D shapes

Calculating Surface Area, Volume, Distance Between, Transforming (Moving, Rotating, Scaling, Transforming by Matrix), basic Collision Detection, Drawing:

  * Plane
  * Point (2D / 3D)
  * Edge (2D / 3D)
  * Triangle (2D / 3D)
  * Quad (2D / 3D)
  * Rectangle
  * Box
  * Oriented Box
  * Circle
  * Sphere
  * Capsule
  * Tube
  * Torus
  * Cone
  * Pyramid


  * 3 Renderers - Simple, Forward Rendering, Deferred Rendering
  * Anti-Aliasing - Multi Sampling, Super Sampling
  * Color Operations - RGB <-> HSB (Hue, Saturation, Bightness) Conversions, Opacity, Inverse, Adding, Lerping
  * Screen Color Transformations
  * Gamma Calibration
  * 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10 or custom Screen Aspect support
  * Shader Model 2.0, 3.0 supported
  * Vertex Buffering for simple graphics drawing (Images, Gui Elements, Geometry Objects, ...)
  * Alpha Blending
  * Alpha Testing
  * Screen Synchronization
  * Windowed / Fullscreen
  * Taking Screenshots
  * Custom Font Creation
  * Shadowed Font Drawing
  * Fonts in Any Language (Unicode support)
  * Point, Directional and Cone Lights
  * Dynamic Lightmaps
  * Occlusion Query support
  * Particle System (based on a single shape, or animated skeleton)
  * Viewports
  * Rendertargets (with support of high precision formats)
  * Smooth Fading between screens
  * 2D Effects - Subtitles, Ripple, Fade using fade texture, Wave, Radial Blur


  * Custom GUI with support of - Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, Context Menu, Desktop, Custom Element, Image, Menu, Tabs, Text, Viewport, List, ProgressBar, Region, SlideBar, Slider, TextLine, Window, Window IO (File / Directory selection)
  * Description of elements (Tooltips)
  * Message Boxes
  * Skin changing


  * Keyboard, Mouse, Joypads
  * Detecting Key States, Key Pushes, Key Releases, Key Double Clicks, and Key Combos
  * Mouse Rectangle Clipping, Driver Disabling, Hardware Cursor
  * Asian Characters input support


  * Binary, Text and Xml file classes
  * Accessing Files in Memory, on Disk, or File Inside Another File
  * Data Encryption
  * Detecting File / Directory Information
  * File / Directory Searching
  * File / Directory Creating and Deleting
  * Operating on All Files Inside Directory
  * Data Packing to one big PAK file
  * Drives Detection (Hdd, Cd)


  * Mathematic operations - Minimum, Maximum, Average, Abs, Saturate, Sign, Trunc, Round, Ceil, Floor, Frac, Align, Sqr, Cube, Sqrt, Cbrt, Pow, Ln, Log2, Sin, Cos, SinCos, Tan, CTan, ACos, ASin, ATan, Angle, Linear Interpolation, Hermite Interpolation, Power Interpolation, 4-Values Interpolation, Equation solving of 0th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree
  * Vector (2D, 3D, 4D Float & Int) operations - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Change Sign, Abs, Minimum Component, Maximum Component, Minimum Index, Maximum Index, Normalize, Length, Length^2, Set Length, Dot Product, Cross Product, Perpendicular, Comparing, Epsilon Comparing, Matrix Transforming
  * Matrix (3x3, 4x3, 4x4) operations - Moving, Scaling, Rotating, Multiplying, Inversion, from Quaternion
  * Quaternion - Adding, Scaling, Multiplying, Inversing, Rotating, Calculating Angle and Axis of rotation, Conversion from and to Matrix
  * 512-bit precision Integer / Float operations - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Mod, Square, Square Root
  * Calculator function (calculates given strings for example "sin(2*x) + dot(vec(1,2,3),vec(4,5,6)) + 15*(1+2*pow(x,y))" to Int, Float or Vectors)


  * Vertexes (Position, Normal, Tangent, Binormal, Texture0, Texture1, Matrix Index, Blend Weights, Size)
  * Edges (Vertex Index, Adjacent Face, Normal, Flag, Id)
  * Triangles (Vertex Index, Adjacent Face, Adjacent Edge, Normal, Flag, Id)
  * Quads (Vertex Index, Adjacent Face, Adjacent Edge, Normal, Flag, Id)
  * Automatic UV Mapping
  * Transforming (Moving, Scaling, Matrix Transforming), Reversing, Mirroring
  * Correct Normal, Tangent and Binormal Calculation
  * Vertex Welding, Edge Welding, Edge Subdividing, Face Subdividing
  * Joining, Spliting, Copying
  * Linking Vertex->Vertex neighbour, Vertex->Edge, Edge->Face, Rectangle->Edge
  * Convert Triangle to Quads, Quads to Triangles, Edges to Polygons
  * Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) - boolean functions on 2D / 3D Meshes (Or, And, Xor, Sub..)
  * Add and Remove Vertex / Edge / Triangle / Quad
  * Optimize (Remove Inline Vertexes, Faces, Vertex Cache, Simplification)
  * Level of Detail (Lod)
  * Binary / Text Custom Format
  * Importing Formats - 3ds, Ase, BlitzMax B3d, Collada Dae, Obj, Wrl, DirectX X, Xml (OgreXml)
  * Creating Meshes out of geometry shapes
  * Automatic Tree Mesh Genereation


  * Zero, Copy, Is Copy, List Copy, Set Byte Value, Comparing, Swapping, Copy different sized data (8to32, 16to32, 24to32, 32to8, 32to16, 32to24), Encrypting, Decrypting, Allocating, Reallocating
  * Memory Containers working on any defined class (Continuous Memory based, Block based, Extended Block based, List based)
  * Cache for storing dynamic loaded data (Meshes, Materials, Textures, Animations, Skeletons or any Custom Data)
  * Memory Leaks Detection


  * Video Playback support
  * Game Config File support
  * Cpu detection (Mmx, 3DNow, Sse, Sse2, Sse3, Number of Cores)
  * State Manager
  * Custom Randomizing Unit creating - random Ints, Floats, Vector Deviations, Points (on surface or inside) - Sphere, Box, Capsule, Tube, Edge, Circle, Rectangle.
  * Log File support
  * System Clipboard support
  * System Language detection
  * String operations (Case Up, Case Down, Add, Length, Compare, Path Compare, Starts With, Contains, Contains Words, Replace, Get Extension, Get Not Extension, Get Path, Get Base Name, Get Start, Get Not Start, String <-> Int, String <-> Binary, String <-> Hex, String <-> Real, String <-> Vector)
  * Wide Strings Supported (Unicode)
  * Timer support - Application Time, State Time, Frame Time, Current Time, Frames Per Second, Dynamic Game Speed Adjustment, Frame Time Filtering
  * Date & Time operations - Differences between 2 dates in seconds, Number of seconds from 1 Jan 0 AD 00:00:00 (Leap Years support included)
  * OS Windows Minimize, Maximize, Activate, Move, Get Parent, Get Focused
  * Drag & Drop support with custom provided function
  * Data De / Compression
  * Sorting custom structures with custom comparing function


  * UDP / TCP IP Sockets
  * Downloading Files from the Internet
  * FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Support


  * Rigid Body Collision Detection
  * Ragdolls
  * Character Controllers
  * Vehicles
  * Clothes
  * Continuous Collision Detection
  * Actors - Sphere, Capsule, Box, Oriented Box, Convex, Triangle based (static only)
  * Joints - Fixed, Hinge, Spherical, Slider, Breakables
  * Calculating Actor Position, Matrix, Velocity, Angular Velocity, Energy, Mass, Damping
  * Actor Groups and User Data
  * Holding and Dragging Actors

Ability to create custom shaders, or use already available:

  * Flat, Normal, Parallax and Relief Bump Mapping
  * Light Blooming
  * Glow
  * Hdr + Eye Adaptation
  * Motion Blur
  * Depth of Field
  * Per Pixel Lighting
  * Stencil Shadows
  * Shadow Mapping
  * Hardware Shadow Mapping
  * Soft Shadows
  * Volumetric Lighting
  * Volumetric Clouds
  * Layered Clouds
  * Ambient Occlusion
  * Sub-Surface Scattering
  * Early Z
  * Soft Particles
  * Markers
  * Bullet Holes
  * Grass Bending on Wind
  * Leafs Bending on Wind
  * Fire
  * Water
  * Fur
  * Fog
  * Sun
  * Sun Rays
  * Sky
  * Explosions
  * Blood Effects
  * Laser
  * Electricity
  * Mesh Outlining
  * Cel-Shading
  * Holographic Images


  * 1D / 3D
  * Wav / Ogg
  * From File or Memory
  * Custom Volume Groups (Sound Fx, Voice, Music, Ambient, Global)
  * Music and Ambient Systems automatically playing random tracks from given Music Theme with Crossfading support


  * Anisotropic Filtering
  * Mip-Mapping
  * Formats supported L8, A8, A8L8, X8R8G8B8, A8R8G8B8, DXT3, DXT5 and many others
  * Modes supported 2D, 3D, Cube, Software
  * Color, Normal, Bump, Specular, Glow, Alpha, Detail, Reflection, Light Maps
  * Crop, Blur, Average, Sharpen, Normalize, Downsample, Normal Downsample, Pixel Set / Get
  * Bump to Normal Map Conversion
  * Optimized Texture Compression
  * Importing Bmp, Png, Jpg, Tga, Dds


  * Process Management
  * Simplified Threading
  * Separate Threads for Game Updating, Physics Calculating, Data Loading, Sound Processing

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