Errors that are unjustified

You're specifying an array with name "BizInfo", which should use the enum "BizInfo".
This is confusing the compiler.
Rename your enum BitInfo to something else.

Since an enum is similar to a custom type (named this way in other programming languages), I prefer to use T as prefix for my enums (types, or custom types) and A for arrays.
So: enum "TBizInfo" and array "ABizInfo".
You can use your naming convention how you like, but don't create 2 different things with the same name.

Since the enum-name won't be used elsewhere, I suggest to rename the enum and leave the array name as it is.

Messages In This Thread
Errors that are unjustified - by Lidor124 - 07.01.2014, 11:47
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by iJumbo - 07.01.2014, 11:57
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by offon - 07.01.2014, 11:59
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by Lidor124 - 07.01.2014, 14:10
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by Lidor124 - 07.01.2014, 14:16
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by offon - 07.01.2014, 14:29
Re: Errors that are unjustified - by PowerPC603 - 07.01.2014, 14:51

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