Wont take cash from account

Not sure but if you mean the money under your health bar,
that just won't change if you change the values of variables.
You have to use GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - or +);

i'd recommend you do
and then
GivePlayerMoney(PlayerInfo[i][pCash]);//after you've taken the taxes

but if you did mean the money on the bank,
you should do:
banksys[dCash] -= tax;
instead of
banksys[dCash] += tax;
and you shouldn't use taxes here:
since youre taking it only from their bank account.
Otherwise they'll get it withdrawn twice, hand + bank

Messages In This Thread
Wont take cash from account - by Don_Cage - 06.01.2014, 06:46
AW: Wont take cash from account - by CutX - 06.01.2014, 06:54
Re: AW: Wont take cash from account - by Don_Cage - 06.01.2014, 08:39

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