05.01.2014, 01:34
yum install mysql.i386
Try that.. it installs MySQL library dependencies in library folder of MySQL, make sure you check the plugin after you installed that library dependencies-:
ldd libmysqlclient_r.so.16 | grep libmysqlclient
Should return.. -:
libmysqlclient.so.16 => /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.16 (may vary)
Learnt this a year go on a site, sharing it with you
Try that.. it installs MySQL library dependencies in library folder of MySQL, make sure you check the plugin after you installed that library dependencies-:
ldd libmysqlclient_r.so.16 | grep libmysqlclient
Should return.. -:
libmysqlclient.so.16 => /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.16 (may vary)
Learnt this a year go on a site, sharing it with you