Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<<

Originally Posted by pds2k12
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Explanation inside.

pawn Код:
//creating a definition of 'MAX_CAPZONE, easier to loop it when it's needed'
#define MAX_CAPZONE \
    ( 30 )

#define CAPZONE
#define CAPZONE1
#define CAPZONE2
// and so on, until 29 + 1 = 30

//creating an array with a size of 30 and it should be 1 Dimensional array

//I do not suggest using Else if etc.. I suggest you using 'switch statement + loop', for example

    i = 0; // creating an i variable

while(i < MAX_CAPZONE) // creating a loop, there's 2 way to create a loop, try searching the for(...)
    switch( tCP[i]
        case CAPZONE: // and so on

// or

while(i < MAX_CAPZONE) // creating a loop, there's 2 way to create a loop, try searching the for(...)
    switch( tCP[i]
        case 0: // and so on
Eh, alright, i will try to process that, lol.
If not, i will bump this topic tomorrow or so :d

Messages In This Thread
Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<< - by Kyance - 01.01.2014, 18:09
Re: Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<< - by Patrick - 01.01.2014, 18:28
Re: Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<< - by Kyance - 01.01.2014, 18:30
Re: Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<< - by Kyance - 01.01.2014, 18:37
Re: Capture zones >>JimmyCh's Tutorial<< - by Kyance - 02.01.2014, 08:14

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