01.01.2014, 10:05
I suggest you compile the plugin yourself. When you compile it yourself you get clear errors from the compiler related to what dependencies you require, and therefore when you actually want to run the server you'll always meet the requirements.
I'm unaware of what plugin you are using for MySQL, but assuming you're using the BlueG one here's what the requirements for compiling say:
"mysql-client" is always required, even if you don't want to compile. "sudo apt-get install mysql-client" will do the job (the command depends on your Linux version, it might also be yum).
I'm unaware of what plugin you are using for MySQL, but assuming you're using the BlueG one here's what the requirements for compiling say:
Compiling Notes: Linux: Install gcc, gpp & mysql-client and type "make" in the source files folder. |