Making the tutorial save?

Yes you can of course , just make at last response for that tutorial (however if you're using dialogs, etc..) just store the variable of tutorialfinish = 1;,then when the player connect check if the variable equal to 1 or not if it's equal true ignore that case here's an example
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ TutorialFinish ] == 0)
     //show him your dialogs , textdraws..
    }//on the other cases if he saw that tutorials before , just he can spawn without anything bothers him.
    return 1 ;
If you need more explanation just tell me your saving stats system and show me your enums.

Messages In This Thread
Making the tutorial save? - by HK - 30.12.2013, 21:44
Re: Making the tutorial save? - by ConnorHunter - 30.12.2013, 21:49
Re: Making the tutorial save? - by SilentSoul - 30.12.2013, 21:49
Re: Making the tutorial save? - by HK - 31.12.2013, 14:22
Re: Making the tutorial save? - by HK - 02.01.2014, 06:25

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