AK47 inventor, Mikhail Kalashnikov dies at 94.

Originally Posted by thefatshizms
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So does knifes yet you don't see people moan about them as they have other uses that don't consist of killing people. If guns had another, non-killing use then you probably wouldn't see as much people complaining about them all the time.

It's never good when a life is lost, even if they did what some consider bad things in their life.

There is a difference between using a gun and a knife. A gun only takes a single click, it is fast and you don't require to do much. In order to kill someone with a knife, you need to get up close and personal. It is much harder and brutal, hence why most people don't and won't use knifes, that and the fact that guns are a lot more efficient.
We can debate this all day long but the bottom line is that guns were made to kill. Sure, we are the ones that use them to kill but they make it so much easier for us. If guns were not invented, there would obviously be less killings. I would use Japan as an example. This country has never fully integrated guns to its society (even organized crime there uses katanas rather than guns for the most part) and it is one of the countries with the smallest homicide rate. Yes, it is too late to ban gun use but I agree that we have gone too far with all these gun inventions. Instead of using the money to fund education or healthcare, we use it to create even more dangerous weapons for no apparent reason...

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