25.12.2013, 15:03
0.Thanks for reply
1.I knew phpMyAdmin and i am always working with that.
2.There is a reason to i didn't use phpMyAdmin for that and it's: that table isn't a global table like users, it's project to save textdraws and player can create table in game
3.There isn't any different in the format for packed strings:
4.Think before reply
Problem solved, i use ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD `column_name` column_type(column_size) NOT NULL;
Anyway, Thanks
0.Thanks for reply
1.I knew phpMyAdmin and i am always working with that.
2.There is a reason to i didn't use phpMyAdmin for that and it's: that table isn't a global table like users, it's project to save textdraws and player can create table in game
3.There isn't any different in the format for packed strings:
pawn Код:
new ali[ 255 char ], handle;
/*=======>*/format(ali, sizeof(ali), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` \
(`tPX` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPY` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tText` varchar(500) NOT NULL,\
`tLSX` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tLSY` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tTSX` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tTSY` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tAlign` int(20) NOT NULL,\
`tColor` int(25) NOT NULL,\
`tUB` int(10) NOT NULL,\
`tBC` int(25) NOT NULL,\
`tShadow` int(20) NOT NULL,\
`tOL` int(25) NOT NULL,\
`tBGC` int(25) NOT NULL,\
`tFont` int(10) NOT NULL,");
/*=======>*/format(ali, sizeof(ali), "`tProportional` int(20) NOT NULL,\
`tSelectable` int(10) NOT NULL,\
`tPM` int(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPRX` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPRY` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPRZ` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPRZoom` float(20) NOT NULL,\
`tPVC1` int(10) NOT NULL,\
`tPVC2` int(10) NOT NULL,\
`Tyype` int(5) NOT NULL)\
Problem solved, i use ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD `column_name` column_type(column_size) NOT NULL;
Anyway, Thanks