24.12.2013, 10:33
PHP код:
strcat(lstring,""COLOR_RED"VIP Level 1:\n\n"cwhite"/vbike - to spawn nrg\n/vcar - to spawn vip car\n/vheli - to spawn maverick\n/vheal - to heal yourself\n/vbcmds - to see vip base cmd\n\n\n");
strcat(lstring,""COLOR_RED"VIP Level 2:\n"cwhite"/vplane - to spawn vip plane for yourself\n/vpbonus - to heal and give 1 ammo of RPG to nearest players\n/vnos to activate nitros\naccess to level 1 vip commands\n\n\n");
strcat(lstring,""COLOR_RED"VIP Level 3:\n"cwhite"access to all vip commands\n/vfix - to fix your vehicle\n/vtime - to set your time\n/vskin - to set your skin\n/varmour - to armour yourself\n");
if you want to use color defines, you have to do it like this:
strcat(lstring,""{#COLOR_RED}"VIP Lev..andso on");
you're missing the hashtags ('#')
that'll work if your colors are defined like this:
#define COL_RED "{F81414}"