HealAll Command

Hello, im using admin system and in my server there are Dm places , so when admin use the command healall all the players is got healed , how to heal only the players which exists out of dm only.

    #pragma unused params
	if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2)
	   	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && (i != playerid) && i != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel])
		new string[128];
		format(string,sizeof(string),"{00FFFF}Administrator \"%s\" has healed all players , Except In DM Places !", pName(playerid));
		return SendClientMessageToAll(blue, string);
	else return ErrorMessages(playerid, 6);

Messages In This Thread
HealAll Command - by MahdiGames - 23.12.2013, 12:23
Re: HealAll Command - by Patrick - 23.12.2013, 12:30
Re: HealAll Command - by [EnErGyS]KING - 23.12.2013, 12:32
Re: HealAll Command - by Konstantinos - 23.12.2013, 12:35
Re: HealAll Command - by [EnErGyS]KING - 23.12.2013, 12:50

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