Most time you've spent playing SA-MP

I had the record for my server for the most online time, and no one was anywhere near close when it came to legitimate playing time. This was a pretty big server at the time too (was once even ranked #1 and was constantly full at a time). A player (RoBo, sorry, Im calling your [AS]s out hehe) once started cheating the system by leaving him computer on 24/7 while being inside the game. I spent 24 hours+ straight playing one night to make sure he didnt pass my game time. It was literally not uncommon for me to spend 12 hours on the server in normal conditions (was in independent study in high school, and didnt have any responsibilities really, so thats what I did ahah).

Edit: I feel people really exaggerate on here way to much.

Messages In This Thread
Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Emmet_ - 21.12.2013, 23:25
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by BodyBoardVEVO - 21.12.2013, 23:34
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by SchurmanCQC - 21.12.2013, 23:36
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Forrest~ - 21.12.2013, 23:37
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Don_Cage - 21.12.2013, 23:41
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Brandon_More - 21.12.2013, 23:45
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Gen3i - 21.12.2013, 23:51
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Alphlax - 22.12.2013, 00:21
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by iJumbo - 22.12.2013, 00:58
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by NukeTripper - 22.12.2013, 01:33
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Lordzy - 22.12.2013, 02:30
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Nostalgia - 22.12.2013, 02:47
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Zalance - 22.12.2013, 02:48
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by FlawPaw - 22.12.2013, 04:25
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Alphlax - 22.12.2013, 05:07
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by iZN - 22.12.2013, 05:08
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Emmet_ - 22.12.2013, 05:08
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by [SF]OutLawZ - 22.12.2013, 05:19
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Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by denom - 22.12.2013, 09:29
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by RajatPawar - 22.12.2013, 09:36
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Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Epixha - 22.12.2013, 14:53
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by Kyosaur - 23.12.2013, 03:05
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by RanSEE - 23.12.2013, 04:19
Re: Most time you've spent playing SA-MP - by summer10 - 23.12.2013, 05:12

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