22.12.2013, 17:00
@pds2k12: i know there are more effective ways to do it but i dont think codes posted here just should be copied
into the script by the thread starter! I dont know about you but me as a newbie in scripting would have problems to fully follow certain codes. It always helped me to see different codes doing same or simillar stuff so i could understand and later combine everything to try out things on my own. Unfortunately it has become pretty common to serve everything on a silver plate and invite newbies to just C&P codes instead of asking questions and being able to fully understand it. I didnt want the thread starter to simply copy my code into his script, i just wanted to show how it also works, as my foreposter already posted a full code and i think you can easily see how the loop/GetPlayerWeaponData function works on my example. I at least always appreciated more examples of certain systems/functions to think about it and see certain differences. regards, wolf. |
- Regards