20.12.2013, 19:31
You had some errors in there, anyways I am not a professional php coder, but I have knowledge about php, the code below should work.
pawn Код:
include('../konekcija.php'); //include.
$proveripari = mysql_query("SELECT pProfil, pCash FROM Igraci ORDER BY pCash DESC LIMIT 10;"); //selects, pProfil, pCash and order pCash them by 10.
if( mysql_num_rows($proveripari) > 0) //if the row is more than 0, if no accounts registered the row will print none.
{//opening bracket 1
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($proveripari))
{//opening bracket 2
echo"{$row['pProfil']}"; //shows the pProfil of the player
echo"{$row['pCash']}"; //shows the pCash of the player
}//closing bracket 1
}//closing bracket 2