28.04.2009, 16:31
Alright I try...
I changed the code to this
and I do not change GangA to SetPlayerTimer, because I need It to Kill the Timer On game mode exit ^^
I changed the code to this
stock IsPlayerInZone( playerid, Float:XMin, Float:YMin, Float:XMax, Float:YMax ) { new RetValue = 0; new Float: PosX, Float: PosY, Float: PosZ; GetPlayerPos( playerid, PosX, PosY, PosZ ); GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); new EnterGZ[MAX_PLAYERS]; if( PosX >= XMin && PosY >= YMin && PosX < XMax && PosY < YMax ) { //GROVEZONE if(PosX >= 1923.388 && PosY >= -1930.57 && PosX < 2847.478 && PosY < -1492.37) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Is In Grove Street Family Street Territority!",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,string); EnterGZ[playerid] = 1; } //BALLASZONE if(PosX >= 1611.556 && PosY >= -1496.318 && PosX < 2261.841 && PosY < -1006.798) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Is In Ballas Territority!",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,string); EnterGZ[playerid] = 1; } //VAGOSZONE if(PosX >= 2280.885 && PosY >= -1484.475 && PosX < 2893.112 && PosY < -1077.857) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Is In LS Vagos Territority!",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,string); EnterGZ[playerid] = 1; } //AZTECASZONE if(PosX >= 1349.16 && PosY >= -2041.106 && PosX < 1908.177 && PosY < -1504.214 ) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Is In Varios Los Aztecas Territority!",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,string); EnterGZ[playerid] = 1; } //PUNKZONE if(PosX >= 927.0455 && PosY >= -1504.214 && PosX < 1622.964 && PosY < -967.3207 ) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Is In Punk's Territority!",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,string); EnterGZ[playerid] = 1; } RetValue = 1; } return RetValue; } public GangAlarm(playerid) { for (new i=1;i < MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1) { new Float:XMin,Float:YMin,Float:XMax,Float:YMax; IsPlayerInZone(playerid, Float:XMin, Float:YMin, Float:XMax, Float:YMax); } } }
if(XMax < 2847.478 && XMin > 1923.388 && YMax < -1492.37 && YMin > -1930.57)
if(PosX >= 1923.388 && PosY >= -1930.57 && PosX < 2847.478 && PosY < -1492.37)