How To create Checkpoints?

I'm using Stevo's Gamemode SFCRRPG and i needed checkpoints, there are

new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = {
new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = {

i can give example

new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = {
{-1623.6704,710.2758,-1595.5138,726.3750}, //SFPDEnt

new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = {
{-1605.5288,712.4097,13.8714,3.0}, //SFPDEnt

They are not much same.
Please guys help me out, i need help.

Messages In This Thread
How To create Checkpoints? - by iSkate - 20.12.2013, 09:39
Re: How To create Checkpoints? - by Excelize - 20.12.2013, 09:42
Re: How To create Checkpoints? - by iSkate - 20.12.2013, 10:57

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