Strange audio stream problem

pawn Код:
CMD:playmusic(playerid, params[])
    PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
    return 1;
Read this:

You will notice this:
Originally Posted by SA-MP Wiki
Float:PosX The X position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:PosY The Y position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:PosZ The Z position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:distance The distance over which the audio will be heard. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
usepos Use the positions and distance specified. Default disabled (0).
When you use specific X, Y and Z coordinates, it will play at that location over a distance that you enter. Occasionally it will stream even when you're not within range of it. So you will see the message even when you're not near it, and you won't be able to hear it until you come within range of the X, Y and Z coordinates that you've set.

I'm still unsure why this code would be playing audio for each player in the server, perhaps look for any other 'PlayAudioStreamForPlayer' codes in your script, and post the full functions/callbacks that include them here.

Messages In This Thread
[UNRESOLVED]Strange audio stream problem - by RayDcosta - 16.12.2013, 17:22
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by SilentSoul - 16.12.2013, 17:48
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by RayDcosta - 16.12.2013, 22:58
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by Threshold - 17.12.2013, 04:15
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by RayDcosta - 18.12.2013, 11:18
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by RayDcosta - 19.12.2013, 09:39
Re: Strange audio stream problem - by Threshold - 19.12.2013, 12:11

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