Master list server tracking issue (announcing)

I found out (by compairing md5 signatures) that on some servers the executable file "annouce" was corrupted. This was the main cause of the initial issue.
This thread can be marked as solved.

Thank you for your support.

Messages In This Thread
Announce OK but not in master list - by Frank77 - 14.12.2013, 09:29
Announce OK but not in master list - by Frank77 - 15.12.2013, 10:30
Re: Master list server tracking issue (announcing) - by Khanz - 15.12.2013, 10:53
Re: Master list server tracking issue (announcing) - by Excelize - 15.12.2013, 11:21
Re : Master list server tracking issue (announcing) - by Frank77 - 15.12.2013, 14:34
Re : Master list server tracking issue (announcing) - by Frank77 - 18.12.2013, 19:52

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