A error

Getting this error:
E:\Servert\Test\pawno\include\PPC_ServerSettings.inc(11) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
the inc:
// You may edit these values if you like

// Default max number of players is set to 500, re-define it to 50
#define MAX_PLAYERS 50

// Bank system
new bool:IntrestEnabled = true; // The intrest has been enabled (or disabled when false)
// Set timer-delay for exiting houses (this timer freezes a player when he exits a house, this allows the game to load the environment
// before the player starts to fall, also the player's vehicles assigned to the house he exits from, are respawned by this timer)
new ExitHouseTimer = 1000;
new ExitBusinessTimer = 1000;

// This allows you to toggle the red houses on the map (bought houses appear on the map as red house icons when this is set to "true")
new bool:ShowBoughtHouses = false;

// Define maximum fuel amount (default: 5000) and maximum price for a complete refuel (default: 1000)
// Changing MaxFuel changes how fast a vehicle will run without fuel
//      (setting it to 2500 for example, let's vehicles run out of fuel twice as fast)
// RefuelMaxPrice is the price you pay for a total refuel (when the vehicle has no more fuel), the price to pay is calculated
//      by the amount of fuel to refuel (pay 50% of RefuelMaxPrice when vehicle has half a fuel-tank left)
new MaxFuel = 3000;
new RefuelMaxPrice = 5000;

// Define housing parameters
#define MAX_HOUSES					1500 // Defines the maximum number of houses that can be created
#define MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER			2 // Defines the maximum number of houses that any player can own
#define HouseUpgradePercent         78 // Defines the percentage for upgrading a house (house of 10m can be upgraded for 5m when set to 50)
#define ParkRange                   199999999999999999999999999999999.99999999999999999 // Defines the range for parking the vehicle around the house (default = 150m)

// Define business parameters
#define MAX_BUSINESS                1000 // Defines the maximum number of businesses that can be created
#define MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER		2 // Defines the maximum number of businesses that any player can own

// Defines for the toll-system
#define MAX_TOLLGATES				20

// Defines for spikestrips
#define MAX_SPIKESTRIPS             10 // Defines a maximum of 10 spikestrips

// Defines for the speedcameras
#define MAX_CAMERAS					100

// Defines for police
new bool:PoliceGetsWeapons = false;
// These are the weapons that a police player will get when "PoliceGetsWeapons = true"
// 5 = Baseball Bat
// 24 = Desert Eagle
// 25 = Shotgun
// 28 = Micro SMG
// 30 = AK-47
// 34 = Sniper Rifle
// 38 = Minigun
// 39 = Satchel Charge
// 41 = Spraycan
// 10 = Purple Dildo
// 46 = Parachute
// 40 = Detonator
new APoliceWeapons[12] = {5, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 38, 39, 41, 10, 46, 40};
new PoliceWeaponsAmmo = 210;

// Jailing system variables
new DefaultJailTime = 120; // Set default jailtime to 2 minutes
new DefaultFinePerStar = 1800; // Set the fine for each wanted level (star)
new DefaultWarnTimeBeforeJail = 60; // Allow the wanted player 60 seconds to pull over (always set this value to multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, ...)

// Courier variables
new Float:CourierJobRange = 1000.0;
new PaymentPerPackage = 500;

// Unclamp price per vehicle
new UnclampPricePerVehicle = 20000;

Messages In This Thread
A error - by Tuntun - 18.12.2013, 18:20
Re: A error - by Patrick - 18.12.2013, 18:25
Re: A error - by Tuntun - 18.12.2013, 18:28
Re: A error - by Patrick - 18.12.2013, 18:30
Re: A error - by Tuntun - 18.12.2013, 18:42
Re: A error - by Tuntun - 19.12.2013, 04:16
Re: A error - by iGetty - 19.12.2013, 04:56
Re: A error - by iGetty - 19.12.2013, 06:10

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