Timers get stucked...

Hello guys. I have some problems with my general timers. After 5-6 hours or more .. idk exactly. Now my uptime it's 2 days and 15 hours so.. I don't know why but they stop working... If somebody have some ideas or something to detect the problem... rep++;

Messages In This Thread
Timers get stucked... - by nGen.SoNNy - 18.12.2013, 14:48
Re: Timers get stucked... - by Sawalha - 18.12.2013, 14:57
Re: Timers get stucked... - by nGen.SoNNy - 18.12.2013, 15:19
Re: Timers get stucked... - by Djole1337 - 18.12.2013, 15:47

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