Commands responding strangely

A few times, I have run into this situation of commands not working for no reason. Example, In this situation i did have /vstorage working. Without changes to the command itself (I have been developing still with other parts of the system) it stopped working for no reason, In game it says "SERVER: Unknown command".

YCMD:vstorage(playerid, params[], help)
	if(!PlayerLoggedIn[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You need to login first before using any command.");
	if(PlayerDied[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You cant do that why you are injured. - If you where planning on raging take a deep breath.");

	new listdata[2048], status[32], vehiclename[64];
	new pvehicleid;
	for(new slot = 0; slot < MAX_PLAYER_VEHICLES; slot++)
	    pvehicleid = PlayerInfo[playerid][pVeh][slot];

	    if(PVehicleInfo[pvehicleid][pvForSale]) PlayerInfo[playerid][pVeh][slot] = 0;
				format(status, sizeof(status), "(%s)", "Spawned");
				format(status, sizeof(status), "(%s)", "Desawned");
			format(vehiclename, sizeof(vehiclename), "%s", VehicleNames[PVehicleInfo[pvehicleid][pvModel] - 400]);
	    	format(listdata, sizeof(listdata), "%s%s %s\n",listdata, vehiclename, status);
			format(listdata, sizeof(listdata), "%s%s\n",listdata, "Empty");
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_VSTORAGE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicle storage menu", listdata, "De/spawn", "Cancel");
	return 1;
When i login as rcon admin and perform certain commands such as /vspawner from debug filter script then try the /vstorage command it just does nothing. Not even showing an error message. The same results with any command, its nothing system related it just keeps showing "SERVER: Unknown error" intill iv tried a command that works, then it goes back to just doing nothing.

I though it might of been the dialogue so i tried sending client messages and that did nothing. I then though it could be the command processor so converted it to zcmd i thing it was, and commands where responding the same as with YCMD. This is also happening with /importcar and earlyer was happening with /bwithdraw and /bdeposit although because those two bank commands where so basic i just removed most of both the commands instead of leaving it as it is and still got problems.

This has happened in the past many times and all times could find no solution, I normally sooner or later just manage to get it to work somehow, seems like it just fixes itself after a while. Im currently using a diffrent pc and complete fresh install what i built recently so its not something releated that.

Anyone has any expierence with this problem and know the cause? work arounds or what im doing wrong.

Many thanks, Ashley Meah

Messages In This Thread
Commands responding strangely - by ashleymeah - 17.12.2013, 18:08

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