[Tutorial] Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them

can i use something like this or it will cuz a bug on npc ?
(spawn 4 npc with the same fs ?)

Messages In This Thread
Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Amit_B - 29.06.2012, 20:30
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by AndreT - 29.06.2012, 20:51
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Amit_B - 29.06.2012, 20:58
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by ErzaNatsu - 30.06.2012, 00:13
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Luis- - 30.06.2012, 01:11
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by vassilis - 30.06.2012, 12:33
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Nicholas. - 02.07.2012, 00:20
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Coder_ - 04.07.2012, 17:58
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Amit_B - 04.07.2012, 18:55
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Coder_ - 04.07.2012, 18:58
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Hiddos - 04.07.2012, 19:09
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Amit_B - 05.07.2012, 08:49
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Hiddos - 05.07.2012, 09:59
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by Saadat - 15.03.2013, 06:07
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by omidi - 15.12.2013, 13:49
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by ammaz - 16.07.2015, 03:31
Re: Everything about NPCs - creating and controlling them - by yugecin - 16.07.2015, 15:35

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