[Tutorial] High-ping kicker + /setping command.

sometimes there's lag spikes, so it's best to check their ping for a while and see if it changes rather than kicking them the exact moment

Messages In This Thread
High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by Kyance - 10.12.2013, 13:17
Re: High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by KingServerIRAN - 10.12.2013, 15:21
Re: High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by Riddick94 - 10.12.2013, 16:19
Re: High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by Ada32 - 10.12.2013, 16:20
Re: High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by Kyance - 10.12.2013, 16:48
Re: High-ping kicker + /setping command. - by iZN - 10.12.2013, 20:13

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