Compare two dates and times..

I dont really want to use too many "if"s

I need to compare them, and check weather or not 30minutes have gone by or not..

If the player logs on within 30mins of leaving the server, the data from the file will be loaded.

If they login after 30mins of leaving the server the file will be deleted.

So i need to check if its been 30mins from the player leaving to reconnecting...

Messages In This Thread
Compare two dates and times.. - by Outbreak - 23.04.2009, 15:05
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Rimeau - 23.04.2009, 15:38
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 23.04.2009, 15:42
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Joe Staff - 23.04.2009, 15:55
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Outbreak - 25.04.2009, 15:53
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Weirdosport - 25.04.2009, 16:11
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Joe Staff - 25.04.2009, 20:01
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Weirdosport - 25.04.2009, 20:18
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by Outbreak - 25.04.2009, 23:14
Re: Compare two dates and times.. - by yom - 26.04.2009, 00:06

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