Odd issue with gang safe

Hello folks.
I'm having an odd issue with my gamemode. I've finished scripting of a gang safe system for gangs on my server, but theres some problems in it, and I came to look for help from here as I haven't been able to sort it out.

There is no issues when compiling.
/safe command returns "SERVER: Unknown command", unless you're member of 1 or 12 factions. (returns You are not in a gang text piece to chat)

/safegetcrack /safegetpot /safegetmats /safestorepot /safestorecrack /safestoremats
All 6 commands above returns you the help tip for each cmd (Usage: /safegetcrack [amount], etc)
Those also returns "SERVER: Unknown command", and if you try to adjust the amount example /safegetcrack 10, it'll return only "SERVER: Unknown command", without the tip.


Help would be highly appreciated, thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Odd issue with gang safe - by Leettari - 24.04.2009, 20:33
Re: Odd issue with gang safe - by Leettari - 25.04.2009, 09:32
Re: Odd issue with gang safe - by tektor - 13.01.2010, 19:41

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