Limitations to a Command.

Because no skins above skin id 299 avilable on sa-mp , so they set a string variable (strval) to make sure that the player can't use skin above than 299 or less than 0 which in fact they use ">"Right is bigger than "<"Left is biggerthan , Right is smaller than
pawn Код:
CMD:skin(playerid, params[])
new skinid, string[128];
if(sscanf(params, "d", skinid))
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "USAGE: /s(kin) [skinID].");
new tmp[256];//to avoide undefined symbol error.
tmp = strtok(cmdtext,idx);
if(strval(tmp) > 299 || strval(tmp) < 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"{FF0000}You can't use skin above 299 or lower than0.");//if the string bigger than 299 "strval(tmp) > 299" the skin won't set and send them error message
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set your skinID to %d.", skinid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
return 1;
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Messages In This Thread
Limitations to a Command. - by NoSoap - 01.12.2013, 14:51
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by SilentSoul - 01.12.2013, 14:58
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by Patrick - 01.12.2013, 15:02
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by NoSoap - 01.12.2013, 15:02
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by NoSoap - 01.12.2013, 17:10
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by SilentSoul - 01.12.2013, 17:17
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by Audi_Quattrix - 01.12.2013, 17:25
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by NoSoap - 01.12.2013, 17:40
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by SilentSoul - 01.12.2013, 17:45
Re: Limitations to a Command. - by NoSoap - 01.12.2013, 17:51

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