Doesn't match definition;Differs from prototype

Yes, I know it's from sscanf2 include because when I used the previous version it worked fine, now, when I updated sscanf2 I take this two errors.

That lines was from my filterscript, not from sscanf2 and that lines was from OnDialogResponse, I tryed to look in another FS and take a model from DialogResponse from another script but I didn't succeed.

Your sscanf code isn't different from mine.

What I use on OnPlayerDisconnect it's only this:

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
	new oquery[100];
	format(oquery, 100, "UPDATE `members` SET `IsOnline` = '0' WHERE `playername` = '%s'", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
	db_query(Database, oquery);
	format(oquery, 100, "UPDATE `clans` SET `clantag` = '%d' WHERE `clanname` = '%s'", GetTotalMembers(GetPlayerClan(playerid)), GetPlayerClan(playerid));
	db_query(Database, oquery);
	return 1;

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