30.11.2013, 07:47
The warning and error are from the sscanf2 include file, not the script.
From what I see, the problem is about OnPlayerDisconnect.
From sscanf2.inc:
Is it different on your include or in the script OnPlayerDisconnect does not have 2 parameters?
From what I see, the problem is about OnPlayerDisconnect.
From sscanf2.inc:
pawn Код:
// lines 224-241:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
#if defined SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect
SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#undef OnPlayerDisconnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#define OnPlayerDisconnect SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect
#if defined SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect
forward SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);