Doesn't match definition;Differs from prototype

I updated sscanf plugin to the latest and now I have a warning and an error to a FS, this is where I take the warning:

    if(dialogid == CreateC_D)
            if(strlen(inputtext) < 3 && strlen(inputtext) > 16)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "ERROR: Clan Name must bee betwen 3 and 15 characters!");
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, CreateC_D, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{0066CC}R{FFFF00}S{FF0000}M{AFAFAF} - Create Clan", "{FF0000}Hi!\n{FF9900}Follow the next steps to Successfully Create your Own Clan!\n\n{FF0000}1st Step:{FF9900} Please Insert below the name of your clan:","Next","Cancel");
            else if(strlen(inputtext) >= 3 && strlen(inputtext) < 16)
                CreateClan(playerid, inputtext, "", "", "");
Lines: 218 to 232

This is where I take the error:

    if(dialogid == Clan_SkinL)
            new SkinID = strval(inputtext);
            if ((SkinID < 0) || (SkinID > 299) || IsInvalidSkin(SkinID))
      	 		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}ERROR: Clan Skin Leader is invalid");
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Clan_SkinL,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{0066CC}R{FFFF00}S{FF0000}M{AFAFAF} - Clan Leader Skin","{FF9900}Sorry but the Clan Skin Leader is {FF0000}invalid{FF9900}!\n\n{FF9900}Please Insert Skin Leader of the Clan","Next","Cancel");
				return 0;
		 	new CQuery[300];
			format(CQuery, sizeof(CQuery), "UPDATE clans SET lskin = %d WHERE clanname = '%s'", SkinID, GetPlayerClan(playerid));
   			db_query( Database, CQuery );
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Clan_SkinM,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{0066CC}R{FFFF00}S{FF0000}M{AFAFAF} - Clan Member Skin","{FF9900}Please Insert Member Skin of the Clan","Next","");
Lines: 234 to 255.


C:\Users\\pawno\include\ : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Users\\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I tryed to find the new definiton but I didn't found it, anyone know how to solve it ?
I'm using sscanf 2.8.1 includes.

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