29.11.2013, 20:26
I'm not sure where the line is, however I can guess that the error is at:
Which should be solved by:
pawn Код:
stock AddAchievement(aid, name[56], info[126], money, gld)
format(AInfo[currentachieveslot][Name], 56, "%s", name);
format(AInfo[currentachieveslot][Info], 56, "%s", info);
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Aid] = aid;
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Money] = money;
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Gold] = gld;
return currentachieveslot, currentachieveslot ++; // here
pawn Код:
stock AddAchievement(aid, name[56], info[126], money, gld)
format(AInfo[currentachieveslot][Name], 56, "%s", name);
format(AInfo[currentachieveslot][Info], 56, "%s", info);
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Aid] = aid;
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Money] = money;
AInfo[currentachieveslot][Gold] = gld;
currentachieveslot ++;
return (currentachieveslot - 1); // here