what is it >?

If it is what i think you mean, then it is a 'hack' which makes you spawn multiple bots and stuff in SA-MP
servers, which is NOT allowed and highly annoying. My server blocks those kinds of tools by not allowing
external bots for example. I would not recommend you, to use that kind of crap. Most server owners (like me)
don't like those kind of tools/hacks.

Second tip: ******
Try to use a login system which requires registration (less trouble with these kind of annoying 'tools').
Mostly these kind of attempts come from the same IP so ban that IP!

Hope this helped you a little,

Please make you topic title more clarifying next time, then people would answer much faster and it
keeps a nicer and cleaner overview on the forum, for example: What is RakSAMP. and then in your
message why you would wanted to know, so people could give you better advice

Edit 2: Why did't you just asked it in this topic?:

Messages In This Thread
what is it >? - by Joe_Goro - 27.11.2013, 21:22
Re: what is it >? - by VenomXNL - 27.11.2013, 22:13

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