27.11.2013, 17:45
seeking function of the vehicle near the player data
Converter unix time to hours, minutes (and seconds)
Time_Convert - minutes, seconds.
Time_ConvertEx - hours, minutes, seconds.
Explame #1
Explame #2
stock visible_vehicles(playerid){ new Float:distrace,Float:pos[ 4 ], vid ; GetPlayerPos( playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] ); for(new i;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++){ distrace = GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint(i, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] ); if( distrace == 0.0 ) continue; if( distrace <= pos[ 3 ] ){ pos[ 3 ] = distrace; vid = i; }else if( pos[ 3 ] == 0.0 ){ pos[ 3 ] = 5000.0; } } if( pos[ 3 ] != 5000.0 ){ return vid; } return INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; }
CMD:puth_to_vehicle( playerid, params[] ){ new vehicle = visible_vehicles(playerid); if( vehicle == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID ) return 0; printf("vid %d", vehicle); PutPlayerInVehicle( playerid, vehicle, 0); return 1; }
Time_Convert - minutes, seconds.
Time_ConvertEx - hours, minutes, seconds.
#define Time_Convert(%0,%1,%2) new %1 = floatround(((%0) / 60)); new %2 = floatround((%0) - (60 * (%1))) #define Time_ConvertEx(%0,%1,%2,%3) new %1 = floatround(((%0) / 3600)); new %2 = floatround(((%0) / 60) % 60); new %3 = floatround(((%0) - (60 * (%2))) - (3600 * %1) )
public OnFilterScriptInit() { new czas = 99; Time_Convert(czas, tc_min, tc_sek); printf("%d sek to %dmin %ds", czas, tc_min, tc_sek); Time_ConvertEx(czas, tcex_h, tcex_min, tcex_sek); printf("%d sek to %dh %dmin %ds",czas, tcex_h, tcex_min, tcex_sek); return 1; }
#include a_samp #include zcmd #define Time_ConvertEx(%0,%1,%2,%3) new %1 = floatround(((%0) / 3600)); new %2 = floatround(((%0) / 60) % 60); new %3 = floatround(((%0) - (60 * (%2))) - (3600 * %1) ) new pOnline[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { pOnline[playerid] = gettime(); return 1; } CMD:ilegram(playerid, cmdtext[]) { new str[128]; Time_ConvertEx(gettime()-pOnline[playerid], h, m, s); format(str, sizeof(str), "Grasz %dh %dm %ds", h, m, s); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, str); return 1; }