27.11.2013, 01:02
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/vcmds")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "These are the vehicle cmds /newbuycar [carid] [color1] [color2] [Price] you need to be a logged in as a rcon admin /sellveh [Price] - you need to be logged in as a rcon admin, adn in a personal car - will make the vehicle for sale /buyveh - to Buy the Specific Vehicle - you need to be in a buyable car /removeveh - Delete Vehicle (You must sit in the Specific Vehicle) and you need to be logged in as a rcon admin /v locate - use this command to find your car /v lockmycar - lock your car /v unlockmycar - unlock's your car /v park - to park your car"); return 1; } return 0; }