GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++]

Are you perhaps in a virtual world? Or maybe set to a certain interior and it is saving? If so, create a command like such:

   new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
   SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10);
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
   SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEWBIE, "Your virtual world has been reset.");
   SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
   return 1;
Something of the sorts, to set your interior and virtual world to zero. Maybe this will load your objects. If it isn't a VW/Interior problem, then it may be a RemoveObjectForPlayer problem, check under OnPlayerConnect to see if you have anything of the sorts there. If so, I suggest making all those RemoveObjectForPlayer lines a comment by using '/*' '*/' If none of these are the case, please let me know.

Messages In This Thread
GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by teomakedonija - 25.11.2013, 23:52
Re: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by VenomXNL - 26.11.2013, 00:24
AW: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by Littl3j0hNy - 26.11.2013, 00:25
Re: AW: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by VenomXNL - 26.11.2013, 00:28
Re: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by nmader - 26.11.2013, 03:19
Re: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by teomakedonija - 26.11.2013, 21:30
Re: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by BornHuman - 26.11.2013, 23:32
Re: GTA Sa Object Not Showing [REP ++] - by VenomXNL - 27.11.2013, 00:47

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