gamemode and filterscript

So all my script were placed in 1 filterscript and the gamemode contains ONLY CreateObjects nothing else.
More details of the filterscript: it contains around 7k lines.
gamemode contains: 500 less lines.

My questions is.

Does it affect the gameplay?

Do you think if I move all the script inside filterscript to gamemode it will make the game more fast and better?

Are there any danger if I use my filterscript as gamemode?

For now I haven't seen any lag, bug or crash but at least I wanna see the difference.

EDIT: Whoever concerned why all my script were in the filterscript, because I use a mysql admin system which is a filterscript and I just add,add,add until it became 7k lines.

R.I.P english

Messages In This Thread
gamemode and filterscript - by gotwarzone - 25.11.2013, 06:53
Re: gamemode and filterscript - by CoaPsyFactor - 25.11.2013, 08:49
Re: gamemode and filterscript - by park4bmx - 25.11.2013, 10:03

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