Won't compile. [Help?]

My GM was working fine, then I changed something and now I'm getting tonnes of errors not related AT ALL to what I changed...

Okay, it says that some things are not implemented however that are FINE. :/
I compared it to the original script, is there any way to "implement" a function or something?

Messages In This Thread
Won't compile. [Help?] - by -eXo - 22.04.2009, 19:24
Re: Won't compile. - by Think - 22.04.2009, 19:24
Re: Won't compile. - by -eXo - 22.04.2009, 19:25
Re: Won't compile. - by OmeRinG - 22.04.2009, 19:25
Re: Won't compile. - by Think - 22.04.2009, 19:25
Re: Won't compile. - by -eXo - 22.04.2009, 19:26
Re: Won't compile. - by Think - 22.04.2009, 19:28
Re: Won't compile. - by OmeRinG - 22.04.2009, 19:28
Re: Won't compile. - by -eXo - 22.04.2009, 19:32
Re: Won't compile. - by Think - 22.04.2009, 19:34

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