21.11.2013, 23:35
Последний раз редактировалось Y_Less; 22.11.2013 в 05:25.
I asked as the only interesting part is the fact that "forward stock" is valid syntax as well as just "forward", but that isn't overly surprising given that "forward", "forward public", "public", and "" are all equivalent too:
Anyway, the reason I asked if that did anything more interesting is that Slice has previously shown that doing:
Will put "Func" in to the public functions table, but will NOT generate the associated code for it.
Today I learned how to transparently hook native functions without ALS.
pawn Код:
// All valid forwards:
public Func();
forward Func();
forward public Func();
public Func()
pawn Код:
// When using one of these:
public Func();
forward public Func();
// "public" isn't needed here as its already known.
Today I learned how to transparently hook native functions without ALS.