21.11.2013, 01:41
hey ya !
finnnnnnaaaalllyyy ! updated again !
i forget upload the new version, bcz now i have a real job and well, i haven't much time for this but however i'm here sharing my works to you all
anyway heres the new update
thats all aboout this new versoin hope you like this
rep me if you like it the new version
sorry for the english and if u have internet, see ya later :'D ! bye
PD:i will do another update, i know i said that this will be the last update but well, i need complete the gm, bye
finnnnnnaaaalllyyy ! updated again !
i forget upload the new version, bcz now i have a real job and well, i haven't much time for this but however i'm here sharing my works to you all
anyway heres the new update
new name LAtin Gang War 5.1 removed sync system added a new sync system fixed /rvehicle command (changed to /rv) changed now is /fix only for ingenieros radio team updated admin chat changed new colors added some admins commands like (/ban /kick /report /setlevel) commands added /rv and /rvall (repspawn cars // respawn all cars) /cc added you can do /sts or /stats /wshop or /weaponshop /rank command Fixed fixed bug(now you can select your class but you need a rank to use it) added more randoms messages Added /mkit fixed /setvip /setdonor /setadmin /heal /dheal Medics class donor class added removed textdraws about ranks removed some zones was bugged so i just removed it to avoid a big problem :V the map still have the flags in game added /weapons -fixed this command, was bugged and i didn't knew :v now donors can use /fix and /dcar /dbike Mapped more things in the map like Some bases added more fences /mute /rqmute [text] now mute players -updated this ^ you can;t use /rqmute if you aren't muted /rmute added too /donors fixed now donors can use /offmap /onmap new command for donors now snipers are invisible on the map new commmand /goodbye use /acmds or /ahelp to see the admins cmds /change pass added, now you can change your password in-game /banip added new commands (all cmds) /banip /ban /kick /mute /burn /explode /ip /checkbanned /cban /rv /rvall /freeze /unfreeze /openevent (all about event system) /unmute /weapons /ping /getinfo /goto /get /eget /setdonor /setlevel /spec /specoff /slap /clearchat (aka /cc) /asite /husted /hydra /banuser Donors Cmds /repair /nitro (/nos) /dcar /dbike /onmap /offmap /dsay /skin /fix /dheal /dcmds especial gifs in event system i added two cmds in game juts remove it /score2 /score it was to test something about ranks these things :S /updates isn't updated lol /wanted added /mkit /vc /cv /cvehicle
rep me if you like it the new version
sorry for the english and if u have internet, see ya later :'D ! bye
PD:i will do another update, i know i said that this will be the last update but well, i need complete the gm, bye