19.11.2013, 03:15
the problem lies in ur coding.
your code says if Time < 1
that means your time variable has reached 0.
and then u have called it in "abcxyz was released after %d seconds"
so basically ur calling it when the time is 0, so it will show zero.
do this,
create two variables when u jail someone that stores the time.
one that decreases, and one that doesnt.
consider one as Time1 and the other as Time2.
now, let Time1 be constant, and Time2 decrease.
now in your statement, do
if Time2 < 1
and later where you call it to replace the %d, call Time1
this should fix your issue.
i hope this helped.
if(Time < 1) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "Jailed", 0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 246.5301,86.7577,1003.6406); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 176.7961); SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100); format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) Has been realesed from Los Santos Jail after %d seconds",GetName(playerid),playerid,Time); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ORANGE,string); return 1; } |
that means your time variable has reached 0.
and then u have called it in "abcxyz was released after %d seconds"
so basically ur calling it when the time is 0, so it will show zero.
do this,
create two variables when u jail someone that stores the time.
one that decreases, and one that doesnt.
consider one as Time1 and the other as Time2.
now, let Time1 be constant, and Time2 decrease.
now in your statement, do
if Time2 < 1
and later where you call it to replace the %d, call Time1
this should fix your issue.
i hope this helped.