[Ajuda] Erros Toscos '-'

Originally Posted by focaximubh
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Olб, estou passando aqui para pedir uma ajudinha kkkk, estou com os seguintes erros em um projeto:

pawn Код:
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(13618) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(21601) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(21601) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(21601) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(21601) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(21601) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

5 Errors.

bom.... DEFINITIVAMENTE nгo sei o que й... Aqui as linhas:

pawn Код:
13618 = format ( file, sizeof(file), PASTA_CONTAS, GetPlayerNameEx(i));

Erro: C:\Documents and Settings\Lucas-PC\Desktop\[BR]Survive\gamemodes\CVGM.pwn(13618) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)

21601 =  if ( StrToInt(inputtext) == 292 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 271 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 272 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 273 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 270 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 269 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 274 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 289)

Erro: os outros 4'-'
Agradeзo desde jб.
Primeiro quebre a linha 21601:
pawn Код:
if ( StrToInt(inputtext) == 292 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 271 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 272 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 273 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 270 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 269 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 274 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 289)
pawn Код:
if(StrToInt(inputtext) == 292 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 271 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 272 ||
StrToInt(inputtext) == 292 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 271 || StrToInt(inputtext) == 272)
e o outro erro estб errado esse cуdigo eu acho.

pawn Код:
format ( file, sizeof(file), PASTA_CONTAS, GetPlayerNameEx(i));
passe essa a callback desse Pasta contas.(se й que existe)

se nгo existe coloca assim entгo:
pawn Код:
format ( file, sizeof(file), "Contas/%s.ini", GetPlayerNameEx(i));
Obs: Contas seria o nome da pasta! se o nome for outro altere-a!

Messages In This Thread
Erros Toscos '-' - by focaximubh - 15.11.2013, 00:51
Respuesta: Erros Toscos '-' - by ViniKuliveguisky - 15.11.2013, 01:07
Respuesta: Erros Toscos '-' - by ViniKuliveguisky - 15.11.2013, 01:31
Re: Erros Toscos '-' - by focaximubh - 15.11.2013, 01:35
Respuesta: Re: Erros Toscos '-' - by ViniKuliveguisky - 15.11.2013, 01:53

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