12.11.2013, 23:29
The script that I use: Reaction Tests by Zh3r0
A detailed description of the problem: On others gamemodes works fine all , but on mine not , i log in rcon and start reaction example : (Who first say 7z432h7 win 5000$ ) i type the answer but nothing happened ... Im new in scripting so please help and sorry for bad english.
Part of the script:
Here all Reaction Test script...
A detailed description of the problem: On others gamemodes works fine all , but on mine not , i log in rcon and start reaction example : (Who first say 7z432h7 win 5000$ ) i type the answer but nothing happened ... Im new in scripting so please help and sorry for bad english.
Part of the script:
Here all Reaction Test script...
#if defined x |===========================================| | Reaction Tests by Zh3r0 | |-------------------------------------------| | Creation date: May, 06, 2011 | | | | Type in console !start to start a test | | | | Please keep the credits! | |===========================================| #endif #include <a_samp> #define INTERVAL \ (3 * 60 * 1_000) #define MAX_RANDOM \ 15 #define MAX_MESSAGES \ 25 #define MAX_QUESTION \ 30 #define QUIZ_WINNERS \ "Quiz Winners.txt" #define MATH_WINNERS \ "Math Winners.txt" #define REACTION_WINNERS \ "Reaction Winners.txt" #define MSG_WINNERS \ "Message Winners.txt" new bTest, bMoney, bScore, bString[2][256], bool:Won, Winner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], mString[30], Timer, iMessages[MAX_MESSAGES][129], mCount = 0; new Question[MAX_QUESTION][256], Option[4][MAX_QUESTION][30], Answer[2], CountQ = 0, Q, bool:Lost[MAX_PLAYERS], ReactionTime; CreateQuiz(q[], o1[], o2[], o3[], answer[]) { memcpy(Question[CountQ], q, .numbytes = 256 ); memcpy(Option[0][CountQ], o1, .numbytes = 100 ); memcpy(Option[1][CountQ], o2, .numbytes = 100 ); memcpy(Option[2][CountQ], o3, .numbytes = 100 ); memcpy(Option[3][CountQ], answer, .numbytes = 100 ); ++CountQ; } AddNewMessage(msg[]) { memcpy(iMessages[mCount], msg, 0, 129, 129), mCount++; if(mCount >= MAX_MESSAGES){ print("WARNING!! YOU EXCEEDED THE LIMIT OF "#MAX_MESSAGES" MESSAGES!\n\n\n");} } public OnFilterScriptInit() { ReactionTime = 0; //Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Answer CreateQuiz("Who is the president of the United States?","Bin Laden", "Putin", "Ceausescu", "Barack Obama"); CreateQuiz("Another question here?", "Option1", "Option2", "Option3", "Answer!"); CreateQuiz("Is this a question??", "NOPE!!", "WTF?", "Hell no.", "INDEED IT IS!!"); CreateQuiz("Who killed Bin Laden", "Obama", "The beaver", "Nobody", "NAVY SEAL"); AddNewMessage("This server rocks!!!"); AddNewMessage("We love to entertain you"); AddNewMessage("3v3RY0n3 l1k32 l337!!"); AddNewMessage("7hIz 73X7 iZ h4Rd 70 wRi73!" ); AddNewMessage("|-|4><0.-3.-2 |\\/||_|57 |)13"); AddNewMessage("HeloHeloHeloHeloOOPS"); printf("\n\n\ |===========================================|\n\ | Reaction Tests by Zh3r0 |\n\ |-------------------------------------------|\n\ | Creation date: May, 06, 2011 |\n\ | |\n\ | Type in console !help to more info |"); printf("\ | Loaded %d messages |\n\ | Loaded %d questions |\n\ | |\n\ | Please keep the credits! |\n\ |===========================================|", mCount, CountQ); Timer = SetTimerEx(#StartReaction, INTERVAL, 1, "dd", random(3), random(2)); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { Lost[playerid] = false; SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "This server uses {CFF55F}Reaction Tests{FFFFFF} by {CFF55F}Zh3r0{FFFFFF}! Wait for them to appear!"); return 1; } public OnRconCommand(cmd[]) { if(!strcmp(cmd, "!help", .length = 5)) { print("\n\n\ |===========================================|\n\ | Reaction Tests by Zh3r0 |\n\ |-------------------------------------------|\n\ | Type /start in-game logged as admin |\n\ | to initiate a reaction test! |\n\ | Type in console !showmsgs to list the |\n\ | messages created. |\n\ |===========================================|\n\n\n"); return 1; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "!showmsgs", .length = 9)) { print("\n\n\nDisplaying created messages:\n-----------------------\n"); for( new m; m < mCount; m++) { print(iMessages[m]); } } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/an", true, 3)) { if(bTest != 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "There is no quiz game going on!"); if(Lost[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "You cannot answer anymore!"); if((cmdtext[3] != ' ') || (cmdtext[4] == EOS)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "USAGE: /an {C3C3C3}<option> (a,b,c,d)"); if(!strcmp(cmdtext[4], Answer, true, 1) && strlen(cmdtext[4])) { EndReaction(playerid, "answered correctly"); new Str[256],File:F = fopen(QUIZ_WINNERS, io_append); if(F) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\r\n----------------------------------\r\n\ Question: %s\r\n\ Answer: %s) %s\r\n\ Winner: %s\r\n\ Took: %d ms\r\n\ ----------------------------------\r\n\r\n", Date(), Question[Q], Answer, Option[3][Q], Name(playerid), ReactionTime); fwrite(F, Str); fclose(F); } Lost[playerid] = false; } else { Lost[playerid] = true; SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "The answer was incorrect!"); } return 1; } if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/start", true, 6)) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if((cmdtext[6] != ' ') || (cmdtext[7] == EOS)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "USAGE: /start{C3C3C3} math/message [!text]/reaction/quiz/random"); if(!strcmp(cmdtext[7], "math")) { StartReaction(0, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "You started the {CFF55F}Math Reaction Test"); } else if(!strcmp(cmdtext[7], "message", true, 7)) { if(cmdtext[14] == ' ' || cmdtext[15 || 14] != EOS) StartReaction(1, 0, cmdtext[15]); else if( cmdtext[15] >= EOS ) StartReaction(1); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "You started the {CFF55F}Message Reaction Test"); } else if(!strcmp(cmdtext[7], "reaction")) { StartReaction(1, 1); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "You started the {CFF55F}Reaction Test"); } else if(!strcmp(cmdtext[7], "quiz")) { StartReaction(2); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "You started the {CFF55F}Quiz Test"); } else if(!strcmp(cmdtext[7], "random")) { StartReaction(random(3), random(2)); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "USAGE: {C3C3C3}/start math/message [!text]/reaction/quiz/random"); }else return 0; return 1; } return 0; } StartReaction( R1 = 3, R2 = 2, text[] = "?????") { KillTimer(Timer); if(!Won){ switch(bTest) { case (1): format(bString[1], 256, "Nobody was smart enough to calculate {CFF55F}%s{FFFFFF}. The answer was {CFF55F}%s{FFFFFF}.", mString, bString[0]); case (2): format(bString[1], 256, "Nobody wrote {CFF55F}%s{FFFFFF} in time!", bString[0]); case (3): format(bString[1], 256, "Nobody was fast enough to write {CFF55F}%s{FFFFFF} in time!", bString[0]); case (4): format(bString[1], 256, "Nobody answered to the Quiz question! Answer {A9FF40}%s){FFFFFF} %s", Answer, Option[3][Q]); } if(strlen(bString[1]))SendClientMessageToAll(~1, bString[1]); } bString[0][0] = EOS; bString[1][0] = EOS; Winner[0] = EOS; mString[0] = EOS; bMoney = RandomEx(.Min = 9000, .Max = 7000), bScore = RandomEx(.Min = 96, .Max = 120); if(!R1) { new N[4]; for(new n = 0; n != 4; n++) {N[n] = 15 + random(50);} switch(random(6)) { case (0): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d+%d-%d-%d",N[0],N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0] + N[1] - N[2] - N[3]); case (1): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d-%d+%d-%d",N[0]+40,N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0]+40 - N[1] + N[2] - N[3]); case (2): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d-%d+%d+%d",N[0]+40,N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0]+40 - N[1] + N[2] + N[3]); case (3): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d+%d+%d+%d",N[0],N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0] + N[1] + N[2] + N[3]); case (4): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d-%d-%d-%d",N[0]+40,N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0]+40 + N[1] + N[2] + N[3]); case (5): format(mString, sizeof(mString), "%d+%d+%d*%d",N[0],N[1],N[2],N[3]), format(bString[0], 256, "%d", N[0] + N[1] + N[2] * N[3]); } format(bString[1], 256, "First to calculate {CFF55F}%s {FFFFFF}receives {D7FFB8}$%i {FFFFFF}and {D7FFB8}%i{FFFFFF} score.",mString, bMoney, bScore ); SendClientMessageToAll(~1, bString[1] ); bTest = 1; } if(R1 == 1) { switch(R2) { case (0): { if(!strcmp(text, "?????")) memcpy(bString[0], iMessages[random(mCount)], 0, 256, 256); else memcpy(bString[0], text, 0, 256, 256); bTest = 2; } case (1): { bString[0][0] = EOS; for( new c; c < MAX_RANDOM; ++c) { bString[0][c] = random(2) ? ( '0' + random(9) ) : ( random(2) ? ( 'a' + random(26) ) : ( 'A' + random(26) ) ); } bTest = 3; } } format(bString[1], 256, "First to write {CFF55F}%s {FFFFFF}receives {D7FFB8}$%i {FFFFFF}and {D7FFB8}%i{FFFFFF} score.",bString[0], bMoney, bScore ); SendClientMessageToAll(~1, bString[1] ); } if(R1 == 2) { Q = random(CountQ); bTest = 4; SendClientMessageToAll(~1, "-------------------------------------"); format(bString[1], 256, "QUESTION:{FFFFFF} %s", Question[Q]); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF, bString[1]); switch(random(4)) { case 0: format(bString[1], 256, "a) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}b) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}c) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}d) {FFFFFF}%s", Option[3][Q],Option[1][Q],Option[2][Q],Option[0][Q]), Answer[0] = 'a'; case 1: format(bString[1], 256, "a) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}b) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}c) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}d) {FFFFFF}%s", Option[2][Q],Option[3][Q],Option[1][Q],Option[0][Q]), Answer[0] = 'b'; case 2: format(bString[1], 256, "a) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}b) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}c) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}d) {FFFFFF}%s", Option[2][Q],Option[0][Q],Option[3][Q],Option[1][Q]), Answer[0] = 'c'; case 3: format(bString[1], 256, "a) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}b) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}c) {FFFFFF}%s {A9FF40}d) {FFFFFF}%s", Option[2][Q],Option[0][Q],Option[1][Q],Option[3][Q]), Answer[0] = 'd'; } SendClientMessageToAll(0xA9FF40FF, bString[1]); SendClientMessageToAll(~1, "-------------------------------------"); SendClientMessageToAll(~1, "Use {FFFFFF}/an {C3C3C3}<option>{FFFFFF} to answer!" ); } Timer = SetTimerEx(#StartReaction, INTERVAL, 1, "dd", random(3), random(2)); ReactionTime = GetTickCount(); } EndReaction(playerid, action[]) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, bMoney); SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + bScore); if(bTest != 4) format(bString[1], 256, "Player {58CC00}%s{FFFFFF} %s {58CC00}%s{FFFFFF} first and won {D7FFB8}$%i {FFFFFF}and {D7FFB8}%i{FFFFFF} score.", Name(playerid), action, bString[0], bMoney, bScore); else if(bTest == 4) format(bString[1], 256, "Player {58CC00}%s{FFFFFF} %s{FFFFFF}. Answer was {A9FF40}%s) {FFFFFF}%s{FFFFFF}", Name(playerid), action, Answer, Option[3][Q]); for( new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i){ if(IsPlayerConnected(i)){ if(i != playerid){ SendClientMessage(i, ~1, bString[1] ); } Lost[i] = false; } } format(bString[1], 256, "You were the first one to write the answer, you won {D7FFB8}$%i {FFFFFF}and {D7FFB8}%i{FFFFFF} score.", bMoney, bScore); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, bString[1]); ReactionTime = (GetTickCount() - ReactionTime); format(bString[1], 256, "You answered in {58CC00}%d{FFFFFF} milliseconds ({58CC00}%d seconds{FFFFFF})",ReactionTime, floatround(ReactionTime * 0.001) ); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, bString[1]); bTest = 0; Won = true; Winner = Name(playerid); } public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { if(bTest){ if(strlen(bString[0])){ if(!strcmp(text, bString[0], false)){ new Str[256]; switch(bTest) { case (1): { EndReaction(playerid, "calculated"); new File:F = fopen(MATH_WINNERS, io_append); if(F) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\r\n----------------------------------\r\n\ Calculation: %s\r\n\ Answer: %s\r\n\ Winner: %s\r\n\ Took: %d ms\r\n\ ----------------------------------\r\n\r\n", Date(), mString, bString[0], Name(playerid), ReactionTime); fwrite(F, Str); fclose(F); } } case (2): { EndReaction(playerid, "wrote"); new File:F = fopen(MSG_WINNERS, io_append); if(F) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\r\n----------------------------------\r\n\ Message: %s\r\n\ Winner: %s\r\n\ Took: %d ms\r\n\ ----------------------------------\r\n\r\n", Date(), bString[0], Name(playerid), ReactionTime); fwrite(F, Str); fclose(F); } } case (3): { EndReaction(playerid, "was faster at writing"); new File:F = fopen(REACTION_WINNERS, io_append); if(F) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\r\n----------------------------------\r\n\ Reaction: %s\r\n\ Winner: %s\r\n\ Took: %d ms\r\n\ ----------------------------------\r\n\r\n", Date(), bString[0], Name(playerid), ReactionTime); fwrite(F, Str); fclose(F); } } } return 0; } } } else { if(strlen(bString[0])) { if(!strcmp(text, bString[0], false) && Won){ if(!strcmp(Winner, Name(playerid), false)) bString[1] = "You already answered!"; else format(bString[1], 256, "Too late! {58CC00}%s{FFFFFF} answered first!", Winner ); SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, bString[1]); return 0; } } } return 1; } Name(i){ new n[24]; GetPlayerName(i,n,24); return n; } stock RandomEx( Min, Max ){ new Random; Random = Min + random( Max ); return Random; } Date(){ new dStr[30], D[6]; getdate(D[0], D[1], D[2]); gettime(D[3], D[4], D[5]); format(dStr, 30, "%d/%d/%d at %d:%d:%d",D[2], D[1], D[0], D[3], D[4], D[5]); return dStr; } #undef INTERVAL