Make cash load and save? +REP

Hello guys, I done this before, but I simply forgot it.

Here's my enum:

enum PlayerInfo
And here's my login and register:

    if(PInfo[playerid][Logged] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. You are already logged in!");//Checking if the player is logged in, if he is, it won't allow him to login
    new password[23],password2[23];//Creating a variable to store the password, and another one to store the password from the user's file.
    if(sscanf(params,"s[23]",password)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. USAGE: /login [password]");//Here we're checking if the player inputs any password, if not, it will return to him a message saying the proper usage.
    new file[64],PlayerName[24];//Creating a variable to store the file path, and a variable to store the players name.
    GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerName,sizeof PlayerName);
    format(file,sizeof file,"Admin/%s.ini",PlayerName);
    if(!fexist(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. Please use /register");//Checking if the player is not registered, again....
    INI_Open(file);//Opening the file with SII include
    if(strcmp(password,password2) != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. Wrong password!"),INI_Close();//Checking if he inputted the correct password, if not, retrieve him a message and closing the file;
    PInfo[playerid][Level] = INI_ReadInt("Level");
	PInfo[playerid][pVip] = INI_ReadInt("pVip");
	PInfo[playerid][pGD] = INI_ReadInt("pGD");
	PInfo[playerid][pTS] = INI_ReadInt("pTS");//Setting the admin level variable, to the one thats in his file.
    INI_Close();//"Closing the file", that means that we're not using it anymore :P
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"†. You've been succesfully logged in, enjoy the server homie. †");
    PInfo[playerid][Logged] = 1;//Setting the logged in variable to 1
    return 1;

    if(PInfo[playerid][Logged] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. You are already logged in!");//Checking if the player is logged in, if he is, it won't allow him to re-register
    new password[23];//Creating a variable to store the password
    if(sscanf(params,"s[23]",password)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. USAGE: /register [password]");//Here we're checking if the player inputs any password, if not, it will return to him a message saying the proper usage.
    new file[64],PlayerName[24];//Creating a variable to store the file path, and a variable to store the players name.
    GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerName,sizeof PlayerName);
    format(file,sizeof file,"Admin/%s.ini",PlayerName);
    if(fexist(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"†. Somehow you're already registered!");//Checking if the player is already registered, again....
    INI_Open(file);//Opening the file with SII include (with this function, if the file is not created, it will automatically create the file.)
    INI_WriteString("Password",password);//Writing in the file the password the player has inputted.
	INI_WriteInt("pVip",PInfo[playerid][pVip]);//Writing in the file, the variable of the admin level.
    INI_Save();//After we write something to the file, we already have to use this to save the information in the player's file.
    INI_Close();//"Closing the file", that means that we're not using it anymore :P
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"†. You have successfully registered, enjoy the server homie †.");
    PInfo[playerid][Logged] = 1;//Setting the logged in variable to 1
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Make cash load and save? +REP - by Lynet - 12.11.2013, 14:37
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Loot - 12.11.2013, 14:44
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Lynet - 12.11.2013, 14:49
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Loot - 12.11.2013, 14:57
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Lynet - 12.11.2013, 17:23
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Lynet - 13.11.2013, 05:50
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by Lynet - 13.11.2013, 16:10
Re: Make cash load and save? +REP - by knackworst - 13.11.2013, 16:13

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