make strcat

Its already in a dialog but can you please make this to strcat? Coz later on I will add more things inside the dialog msg box and in the default dialog string is not enough.

	new string[250], pDeaths, player1, player, h, m, s;

	if(sscanf(params, "r", player))
		player1 = playerid;
		player1 = player;

		TotalGameTime(player1, h, m, s);
 		if(PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths] == 0) { pDeaths = 1; }
	 	else { pDeaths = PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths]; }
	 	#if USE_VIP_SYSTEM == true
 		format(string, sizeof(string), "\n{FEFEFE}Stats of the player: %s\n\n{FEFEFE}Kills:\t\t%d\nDeaths:\t\t%d\nK/D:\t\t%0.2f\nScore:\t\t%d\nMoney:\t\t$%d\nVIP Level:\t%d\nHours:\t\t%d\nMinutes\t%d\nSeconds:\t%d\nRegister date:\t%s",GetName(player1), PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths],Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerScore(player1),GetPlayerMoney(player1),PlayerInfo[player1][VIPLevel],h,m,s,PlayerInfo[player1][RegDate]);
 		format(string, sizeof(string), "\n{FEFEFE}Stats of the player: %s\n\n{FEFEFE}Kills:\t\t%d\nDeaths:\t\t%d\nK/D:\t\t%0.2f\nScore:\t\t%d\nMoney:\t\t$%d\nHours:\t\t%d\nMinutes\t%d\nSeconds:\t%d\nRegister date:\t%s",GetName(player1), PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths],Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerScore(player1),GetPlayerMoney(player1),h,m,s,PlayerInfo[player1][RegDate]);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, STATS_DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Statistics", string, "Close", "");
			GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~player is unavailable", 3000, 3);
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
make strcat - by kbalor - 10.11.2013, 11:49
Re: make strcat - by SAMProductions - 10.11.2013, 12:00
Re: make strcat - by kbalor - 10.11.2013, 12:11
Re: make strcat - by SAMProductions - 10.11.2013, 12:16
Re : make strcat - by DanishHaq - 10.11.2013, 12:17
Re: make strcat - by SAMProductions - 10.11.2013, 12:27
Re: make strcat - by DanishHaq - 10.11.2013, 12:45

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