Server error

Use nativechecker plguin to find out which problem your are facing;

First of all,

NativeChecker Plugin:
[Plugin] nativechecker

Check your "Plugins" Directory, and Look for "nativechecker.dll" or "",

If you don't have "nativechecker.dll" or "",

Download it here,

[Plugin] nativechecker

  1. Copy the Plugin File plugins.
  2. Open server.cfg and add the plugin's name on plugins line.
and Make sure to update all your Include and Plugins to the Latest Version;

  1. Copy the Plugin File plugins.
  2. Open server.cfg and add the plugin's name on plugins line.
It will write or print "Error: Function not registered: '...'", etc. on your Server Log else this kind of text will shown or print on your SA-MP Server CMD;

Post it here.


By the way, it sometimes gives that kind of error(s) (Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"), if you get that kind of error(s) it means the version of your plugins are too old, so i suggest to you to update that plugins into the latest version one

Messages In This Thread
Server error - by newbie scripter - 10.11.2013, 03:42
Re: Server error - by andreasbleck - 10.11.2013, 03:46
Re: Server error - by SAMProductions - 10.11.2013, 03:47
Re: Server error - by newbie scripter - 10.11.2013, 04:55
Re: Server error - by FlawPaw - 10.11.2013, 05:27
Re: Server error - by newbie scripter - 10.11.2013, 05:29
Re: Server error - by FlawPaw - 10.11.2013, 05:33
Re: Server error - by newbie scripter - 10.11.2013, 05:39
Re: Server error - by FiReMaNStone - 10.11.2013, 05:51
Re: Server error - by FlawPaw - 10.11.2013, 06:00

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