09.11.2013, 01:00
Straw Man - Offering a weak version of the opponent’s position while trying to score points by knocking it down.
Red Herring – Avoids the primary issue and peruses a side issue to distract the audience from the real argument.
Ad Hominem – The arguer attacks his or her opponent instead of the argument. (Read: This is the most common fallacy used on the SAMP forums)
Hasty Generalizations - Making an assumption about a whole group or range of cases based on a small sample that is inadequate.
I meant this, didn't understand a single thing about it.
Straw Man - Offering a weak version of the opponent’s position while trying to score points by knocking it down.
Red Herring – Avoids the primary issue and peruses a side issue to distract the audience from the real argument.
Ad Hominem – The arguer attacks his or her opponent instead of the argument. (Read: This is the most common fallacy used on the SAMP forums)
Hasty Generalizations - Making an assumption about a whole group or range of cases based on a small sample that is inadequate.
I meant this, didn't understand a single thing about it.