Server Stop working?

Did it print anything to the server log (assuming you've loaded the crashdetect plugin like I told you)?

If yes, then post the results.
If not, you can show us the OnPlayerConnect if it crashes when a player joins.

PS: Are you sure all the folders (if needed) were created in scriptfiles?


Originally Posted by SAMProductions
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Try using crashdetect Plugin, it will help you to see your Problem;

First of all,

Crash Detect Plugin & Include:
GitHub for Crash Detect Plugin

Check your "PAWNO > includes" Directory, and Look for "",

and Check your "Plugins" Directory, and Look for "crashdetect.dll" or "",

If you don't have "" or "crashdetect.dll" or "",

(NOTE: Make sure you open the same PAWNO that contains all your stuff)

Download it here,

GitHub for Crash Detect Plugin

  1. Copy the Plugin File plugins.
  2. Open server.cfg and add the plugin's name on plugins line.
  1. Copy the whole include codes in Notepad, Wordpad, etc..
  2. Save it as "include's", and Save it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.
  1. Download the Include File, Copy it.
  2. Paste it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.
* Load Crash Detect Plugin and Compile it using Debug Info (Open PAWNO Folder Directory and Create a Configuration File named "pawn.cfg")

Open the Configuration File and Add This Line :-
Save it and re-compile your scripts. Run the server, connect and if it goes offline again, check the server log. If it printed anything, post it here.

Save it, and then Re-Compile all of your Scripts;

Run your Server, and Connect;

If it crash or restart again, Check your Server Log;

Then write the Problem which is crashing your Server. is not needed to be included to the script if it's not used.

And I already posted what you said to my first post above, let's not say the same things again and again.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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It's probably a crash - something in OnPlayerConnect I assume. We'll figure it out, but you'll need to do the following first:

Load crashdetect plugin and compile with debug info. For the debug info, you'll need to goto pawno folder and create a file pawn.cfg
Open it and write in it:
pawn Код:
Save it and re-compile your scripts. Run the server, connect and if it goes offline again, check the server log. If it printed anything, post it here.

Messages In This Thread
Server Stop working? - by Tuntun - 07.11.2013, 17:01
Re: Server Stop working? - by Konstantinos - 07.11.2013, 17:09
Re: Server Stop working? - by Tuntun - 08.11.2013, 03:23
Re: Server Stop working? - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 03:39
Re: Server Stop working? - by Tuntun - 08.11.2013, 05:56
Re: Server Stop working? - by Tuntun - 08.11.2013, 06:01
Re: Server Stop working? - by Konstantinos - 08.11.2013, 09:11
Re: Server Stop working? - by Tuntun - 08.11.2013, 14:13
Re: Server Stop working? - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 14:28
Re: Server Stop working? - by Konstantinos - 08.11.2013, 14:29

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