Stats In Dialog

Originally Posted by SAMProductions
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Try This || Tell me if this is not working :-
  		new coordsstring[300], cstrings[300];
		format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s - Level %d | %s | Age: %d | Total wealth: $%d | Playing hours: %d | Phone number: %s | Warnings: %d",GetPlayerNameEx(targetid), level, sext, age, totalwealth, ptime, pnumber, warns);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Cash: $%d | Bank balance: $%d | Upgrade points: %d | Spawn armor: %.0f | Next level: %d/%d hours ($%d)", cash, account, upgradep, shealth, exp, expamount, costlevel);
		strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
		format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s: %s | Rank: %s (%d) | Division: %s | Job: %s (level: %d) | Job 2: %s (level: %d)", facfam, employer, rank, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRank], division, jtext,jlevel,jtext2, jlevel2);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Crimes: %d | Arrests: %d | Insurance: %s | Wanted level: %d | Health: %.1f | Armor: %.1f | Paintball Tokens: %d",crimes,arrests,insur, wanted, health, armor, ptokens);
		strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
		format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Married to: %s | Biggest fish: %d | Pot: %d | Crack: %d | Packages: %d | Crates: %d | Radio frequency: %d khz",married,bigfish,pot,crack,packages,crates, radiofreq);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Materials: %d | Rope: %d | Cigars: %d | Sprunk: %d | Spray: %d | Screwdrivers: %d | VIP tokens: %d | Checks: %d | VIP: %s",mats,rope,cigars,sprunk,spray, PlayerInfo[targetid][pScrewdriver],tokens,checks,drank);
		strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
		format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "ADMutes: %d | NMutes: %d | RMutes: %d | Weapons Restricted: %d | Gang Warns: %d", admutes, nmutes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRMutedTotal],PlayerInfo[targetid][pWRestricted], PlayerInfo[targetid][pGangWarn]);
		strcat(cstrings, "");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_STATS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Statistics (/stats)", cstrings, "Close", "");
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
			format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s - Level %d | %s | Age: %d | Total wealth: $%d | Playing hours: %d | Phone number: %s | Warnings: %d",GetPlayerNameEx(targetid), level, sext, age, totalwealth, ptime, pnumber, warns);
			format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Cash: $%d | Bank balance: $%d | Upgrade points: %d | Spawn armor: %.0f | Next level: %d/%d hours ($%d)", cash, account, upgradep, shealth, exp, expamount, costlevel);
			strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
			format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s: %s | Rank: %s (%d) | Division: %s | Job: %s (level: %d) | Job 2: %s (level: %d)", facfam, employer, rank, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRank], division, jtext,jlevel,jtext2, jlevel2);
			format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Crimes: %d | Arrests: %d | Insurance: %s | Wanted level: %d | Health: %.1f | Armor: %.1f | Paintball Tokens: %d",crimes,arrests,insur, wanted, health, armor, ptokens);
			strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
			format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Married to: %s | Biggest fish: %d | Pot: %d | Crack: %d | Packages: %d | Crates: %d | Radio frequency: %d khz",married,bigfish,pot,crack,packages,crates, radiofreq);
			format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Materials: %d | Rope: %d | Cigars: %d | Sprunk: %d | Spray: %d | Screwdrivers: %d | VIP tokens: %d | Checks: %d | VIP: %s",mats,rope,cigars,sprunk,spray, PlayerInfo[targetid][pScrewdriver],tokens,checks,drank);
			strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
			format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "ADMutes: %d | NMutes: %d | RMutes: %d | Weapons Restricted: %d | Gang Warns: %d", admutes, nmutes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRMutedTotal],PlayerInfo[targetid][pWRestricted], PlayerInfo[targetid][pGangWarn]);
			format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "House: %d | House 2: %d | Renting: %d | Int: %d | VW: %d | Real VW: %d | Jail: %d sec | WJail: %d sec | AFK: %i", housekey,housekey2,rentkey,intir,vw,realvw,jailt,wjailt, playerAFKTime[targetid]);
			strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_STATS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Statistics (/stats)", cstrings, "Close", "");
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337)
			if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pAdmin] >= 2 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s - Level %d | %s | Age: %d | Total wealth: $%d | Playing hours: %d | Phone number: %s | Warnings: %d",GetPlayerNameEx(targetid), level, sext, age, totalwealth, ptime, pnumber, warns);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Cash: $%d | Bank balance: $%d | Upgrade points: %d | Spawn armor: %.0f | Next level: %d/%d hours ($%d)", cash, account, upgradep, shealth, exp, expamount, costlevel);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s: %s | Rank: %s (%d) | Division: %s | Job: %s (level: %d) | Job 2: %s (level: %d)", facfam, employer, rank, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRank], division, jtext,jlevel,jtext2, jlevel2);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Crimes: %d | Arrests: %d | Insurance: %s | Wanted level: %d | Health: %.1f | Armor: %.1f | Paintball Tokens: %d",crimes,arrests,insur, wanted, health, armor, ptokens);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Married to: %s | Biggest fish: %d | Pot: %d | Crack: %d | Packages: %d | Crates: %d | Radio frequency: %d khz",married,bigfish,pot,crack,packages,crates, radiofreq);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Materials: %d | Rope: %d | Cigars: %d | Sprunk: %d | Spray: %d | Screwdrivers: %d | VIP tokens: %d | Checks: %d | VIP: %s",mats,rope,cigars,sprunk,spray, PlayerInfo[targetid][pScrewdriver],tokens,checks,drank);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "ADMutes: %d | NMutes: %d | RMutes: %d | Weapons Restricted: %d | Gang Warns: %d", admutes, nmutes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRMutedTotal],PlayerInfo[targetid][pWRestricted], PlayerInfo[targetid][pGangWarn]);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "House: %d | House 2: %d | Renting: %d | Int: %d | VW: %d | Real VW: %d | Jail: %d sec | WJail: %d sec | AFK: %i", housekey,housekey2,rentkey,intir,vw,realvw,jailt,wjailt, playerAFKTime[targetid]);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Accepted reports: %d | Trashed reports: %d", PlayerInfo[targetid][pAcceptReport], PlayerInfo[targetid][pTrashReport]);
				strcat(cstrings, "");
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_STATS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Statistics (/stats)", cstrings, "Close", "");
			if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pHelper] >= 2 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s - Level %d | %s | Age: %d | Total wealth: $%d | Playing hours: %d | Phone number: %s | Warnings: %d",GetPlayerNameEx(targetid), level, sext, age, totalwealth, ptime, pnumber, warns);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Cash: $%d | Bank balance: $%d | Upgrade points: %d | Spawn armor: %.0f | Next level: %d/%d hours ($%d)", cash, account, upgradep, shealth, exp, expamount, costlevel);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "%s: %s | Rank: %s (%d) | Division: %s | Job: %s (level: %d) | Job 2: %s (level: %d)", facfam, employer, rank, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRank], division, jtext,jlevel,jtext2, jlevel2);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Crimes: %d | Arrests: %d | Insurance: %s | Wanted level: %d | Health: %.1f | Armor: %.1f | Paintball Tokens: %d",crimes,arrests,insur, wanted, health, armor, ptokens);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Married to: %s | Biggest fish: %d | Pot: %d | Crack: %d | Packages: %d | Crates: %d | Radio frequency: %d khz",married,bigfish,pot,crack,packages,crates, radiofreq);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Materials: %d | Rope: %d | Cigars: %d | Sprunk: %d | Spray: %d | Screwdrivers: %d | VIP tokens: %d | Checks: %d | VIP: %s",mats,rope,cigars,sprunk,spray, PlayerInfo[targetid][pScrewdriver],tokens,checks,drank);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "ADMutes: %d | NMutes: %d | RMutes: %d | Weapons Restricted: %d | Gang Warns: %d", admutes, nmutes, PlayerInfo[targetid][pRMutedTotal],PlayerInfo[targetid][pWRestricted], PlayerInfo[targetid][pGangWarn]);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "House: %d | House 2: %d | Renting: %d | Int: %d | VW: %d | Real VW: %d | Jail: %d sec | WJail: %d sec | AFK: %i", housekey,housekey2,rentkey,intir,vw,realvw,jailt,wjailt, playerAFKTime[targetid]);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				format(cstrings, sizeof(cstrings), "Accepted reports: %d | Trashed reports: %d", PlayerInfo[targetid][pAcceptReport], PlayerInfo[targetid][pTrashReport]);
				format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "Hours on duty: %d | Accepted help requests: %d", PlayerInfo[targetid][pDutyHours], PlayerInfo[targetid][pAcceptedHelp]);
				strcat(cstrings, coordsstring);
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_STATS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Statistics (/stats)", cstrings, "Close", "");
Dude, don't post codes that are untested. Also you don't know how to use strcat?

Here's the way of using strcat.
pawn Код:
new largestring[200], string[100];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Your string ");
strcat(largestring, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "in here");
strcat(largestring, string);
printf("%s", largestring);
The code above will combine/add the string into largesting. Will show something like this "Your string in here". Good luck

Messages In This Thread
Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 02:31
Re: Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 07:01
Re: Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 07:50
Re: Stats In Dialog - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 08:34
Re: Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 08:41
Re: Stats In Dialog - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 08:52
Re: Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 10:09
Re: Stats In Dialog - by Drago987 - 08.11.2013, 10:20
Re: Stats In Dialog - by Zex Tan - 08.11.2013, 10:24
Re: Stats In Dialog - by ValiLucifer - 08.11.2013, 10:53

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