plz help quaternion help plz plz

Try This :-

First of all,

Quaternion Converter Include:
Pastebin for Quaternion Converter

(NOTE: Make sure you open the same PAWNO that contains all your stuff)

Download it here,

Pastebin for Quaternion Converter

  1. Copy the whole include codes in Notepad, Wordpad, etc..
  2. Save it as "include's", and Save it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.
  1. Download the Include File, Copy it.
  2. Paste it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.
Functions :-

stock QuaternionToYawPitchRoll(Float:quat_w,Float:quat_x,Float:quat_y,Float:quat_z,&Float:x,&Float:y,&Float:z)
Takes the quaternion values specified by quat_w, quat_x, quat_y and quat_z, then converts them into roll, pitch and yaw (respectively) and saves them into the variables specified by x, y and z.

stock QuaternionGetRoll(Float:quat_w,Float:quat_x,Float:quat_y,Float:quat_z,&Float:roll)
Takes the quaternion values specified by quat_w, quat_x, quat_y and quat_z, then converts them into roll (respectively) and saves them into the variables specified by roll.

stock QuaternionGetPitch(Float:quat_w,Float:quat_x,Float:quat_y,Float:quat_z,&Float:pitch)
Takes the quaternion values specified by quat_w, quat_x, quat_y and quat_z, then converts them into pitch and saves them into the variables specified by pitch.

stock QuaternionGetYaw(Float:quat_w,Float:quat_x,Float:quat_y,Float:quat_z,&Float:yaw)
Takes the quaternion values specified by quat_w, quat_x, quat_y and quat_z, then converts them into yaw and saves them into the variable specified by yaw.


Tell me if i am wrong

Messages In This Thread
[plz plyyz help +rep] quaternion to euler - by Baltazar - 08.11.2013, 00:49
Re: plz help quaternion help plz plz - by Babul - 08.11.2013, 04:25
Re: plz help quaternion help plz plz - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 04:28
Re: plz help quaternion help plz plz - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 04:43
Re: plz help quaternion help plz plz - by Pottus - 08.11.2013, 04:54

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