05.11.2013, 17:43
Ro: frate, daca vrei ceva credite mai bun de asta, avem si noi o sectiuna de Romana mai jos pe al-prima pagina de site (indexul), iar te duci in primul sub forum de script showroom, fa-I post acolo, noi nu avem nevoie de un edit Ppc trucking, doar schimbat in romana si pus cateva lini aici si aici, multumesc de intelegere.
En: bro, if you want some good appreciates to your work, we do have a Romanian section towards the bottom of the first page (index), then go to the first sub forum which is the script showroom, make a post there. We don't need a PPC trucking edit where you've changed it only to Romanian and put a few lines here and there, thanks for understanding.
It's useful to know other languages :P.
En: bro, if you want some good appreciates to your work, we do have a Romanian section towards the bottom of the first page (index), then go to the first sub forum which is the script showroom, make a post there. We don't need a PPC trucking edit where you've changed it only to Romanian and put a few lines here and there, thanks for understanding.
It's useful to know other languages :P.